far infrared saunas

Our Link Information

1. Add a link to http://www.clearlightsaunas.ca on your website by using following details or simply copying and pasting the following HTML code:

Title: Far Infrared Sauna
URL: http://www.clearlightsaunas.ca
Description: Far infrared saunas are the beginning to complete stress reduction, relaxation, and all-around better health.

HTML Code:

<a href=”http://www.clearlightsaunas.ca”>Far Infrared Sauna</a> - Far infrared saunas are the beginning to complete stress reduction, relaxation, and all-around better health.

2. Contact us with a short description of your website and your domain name. We will review your site as soon as possible, validate the reciprocal link on your site and if we feel that your site provides beneficial and complimentary content, we will reciprocate the link. Please do not send this email until you have added a link to us.


Sauna Works  •  1.888.494.3218  • www.clearlightsaunas.ca
Copyright © 2005 Sauna Works

www.clearlightsaunas.ca   www.clearlightsaunas.ca